iNaturalist for Science, Learning and Fun

Tatsch House in Lady Bird Johnson Park

iNaturalist for Science, Learning and Fun April 19, 2023 Join us in welcoming Craig Hensley, our favorite TPWD Texas Nature Trackers Biologist, on April 19th from 10 a.m. - noon, at the Tatsch House in Lady Bird Johnson Park. This presentation will focus on using...

Native Bees and Bee Habitat

Presenter: Molly Keck, Texas Agri-Life Extension Fredericksburg Agri-Life Extension Office 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon.

Solar Eclipses & Other Dark Skies

AgriLife Extension Office

“Solar Eclipses & Other Dark Skies” with Star Party to follow lecture, presented by Jeff Stone, Retired NASA Engineer, AgriLife Extension Office, Fredericksburg, TX

Monarchs and Milkweed Propagation Workshop II

AgriLife Extension Office

Monarchs and Milkweed Propagation Workshop II”, presented by Cathy Downs, Past Chair of Bring Back the Monarchs To Texas Committee and Certified Monarch Larval Monitoring Project Educator, AgriLife Extension Office, Fredericksburg, TX.

Learning Through Nature Journaling

Presenter: Nancy Huffman, Hill Country Master Naturalist Tatsch House, Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park, Fredericksburg, TX 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon.

Cemetery Birding

“Cemetery Birding”, presented by Jennifer Bristol, author of Cemetery Birding and Parking Lot Birding. Field Trip to follow lecture (limited capacity), AgriLife Extension Office, Fredericksburg, TX. Pre-registration advised by contacting [email protected]. If Patti has sent you info on the March 16th event and you just haven’t had...

BioBlitz 2024 Event to be Held at Fredericksburg Nature Center

In conjunction with the City Nature Challenge-San Antonio Area, the Friends of the Fredericksburg Nature Center is sponsoring BioBlitz 2024, a free-to-the-public event being held Friday, April 26, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. at the Fredericksburg Nature Center located at Lady Bird Johnson...